Series: The Standish Clan, #1
Author: Norah Wilson
Publisher: Something Shiny Press
Release Date: January 5, 2016
Pages: 350
Buy Links: Amazon
Ocean Siliker has come back to Harkness, New Brunswick in defeat, after failing to set New York on fire with her playwriting. The first item on her agenda? Climbing White Crow Cliff, where her best friend Lacey Douglas died six years ago. If she conquers the mountain, perhaps she can rediscover her courage. But the only thing she finds herself is…lost.
Family obligations have left Titus Standish stuck in Harkness. While his younger siblings went off into the world, he stayed, working the farm and running the local search and rescue. He was there when Lacey fell to her death and blames himself. He dreads the day another mission takes him up there again. But when Ocean’s mother calls, concerned that her daughter is wandering the mountain, he leaps into action.
Ocean is thrilled to be found…until she sees her savior. She’s known Titus Standish all her life, and has loved him almost that long. But at four years his junior, she was just a kid with a crush. When Titus finds her, he’s determined to march her back down the mountain to safety. But Ocean has other plans; she’ll be damned if she’ll give up this trek. Yet all trails seem to lead to one place…straight into Titus’s arms.
I was crying towards the end of this book.
This was the first book I read that was set in Canada. At first, I didn't know even know that so I was a bit weirded out by the names of places and even the names of the characters. Anyway, beyond all of that, I did not expect anything from this book. The author approached me to review it, I read the blurb, and I thought, "hey, sounds interesting enough."
When I first started reading it, I wondered to myself what I was getting myself into. However, as soon as Titus got to the mountain, I was hooked. I couldn't put the book down and I was pleasantly surprised.
Titus finally had the chance to follow his lifelong dream. It was his time to leave Harkness, but he had one more job to do: fetch Ocean from the mountain and bring her back in one piece.
Ocean was so stubborn, but I did admire her determination. Seeing Titus through her eyes was an enjoyable read. To her, Titus was a responsible man who gave himself to the town for many years. On the other hand, I also loved seeing Ocean through Titus' eyes. One thing I remembered was that she had really glossy hair. Their little chats to get to know each other was exciting. I really felt like a fly in the wall when I read this book.
The inner turmoil that Titus went through was so elaborate that I was brought to tears when it was time for him to leave. And then I thought to myself, "oh my gosh, I could totally see this as a movie!" Although it was set in Canada---and I know nothing about the landscape of Canada---I had pictured a western movie and Titus was driving away to chase his dream.
My other favorite part of this book was the comedic relief. I really appreciate books that was serious and romantic, but had a small (or big) injection of comedy in it.
"Mrs. Siliker, you're going to spoil that old dog." Scott glanced at the pie. "And us. But keep it up. Though I don't know what either of us did to deserve such a treat." Turning his back to the older woman, he waggled his eye brows at Titus suggestively. Dammit. Titus was going to pummel that boy.
"Just a neighborly gesture," Faye said.
Titus looked at Ocean to see the color rising in her cheeks.
"Axl is out at the Far South Barn with Dad, Faye," Titus said. "Scott would be pleased to walk you out there." It wasn't a long walk, not was it rough or hazardous. And Faye Siliker would certainly know the way, after all the holiday dances she'd attended there. But Titus wanted to be alone with Ocean.
Never slow on the uptake, Scott was already across the room. "It would be my pleasure, Mrs. Siliker."
He extended his elbow and she latched onto it. "That's a splendid idea. And while we're walking, we can have a chat about your moral character, young Mr. Standish."
He blanched. "My moral character?"
"That's right," she said. "We need to discuss your stretching the truth in our phone conversation of the other night. You remember it, don't you? The night you called me to tell me Titus was with Ocean. We should talk about how wrong it is to mislead women on such things as her daughter's suitors, or lack thereof."
Titus shot a baffled look at Ocean, who shrugged.
Scott cleared his throat. "I don't think I said anything that was"
"Did you not suggest that Ocean and Titus were dating or something? I believe you also suggested I should feel free to rake Titus over the coals."
"Oh, that."
Titus grinned. So his brother had tried to stir up a little shit for him with their old teacher and it had backfired on him. When would the guy learn?
"Yes. That."
Scott shot a half-serious help me look over her shoulder as she marched him out the door.
Titus turned to Ocean. "Looks good on him, doesn't it?"
She laughed. "Mom is so going to enjoy making him squirm."
"It's like Christmas came early." He glanced back at the table. "And it came with pie. Join me?"
Overall, I would recommend you get this book and tell your friends. And then, if you have a friend in Hollywood, tell that friend to consider pitching this for a movie deal. :)
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