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Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Changes

Hi everyone!

You probably notice by now the changes in this blog. I, Arianne, have taken over ownership of this blog. I've changed the name to Provocative Pages, but the URL link is still the same. I hope you will continue to follow me in my romantic adventures.

Here's a message from Kayla in case you missed it:

Hey guys! It’s Kayla here. I know it’s been a while since you’ve seen me here at Reading On The Wild Side. I wanted to post about some big upcoming changes being made. First off I am sure you have been noticing that I haven’t been posting here a lot. Ever since I started college I have had a full course load and little time to blog, in addition to college I also have a job which gives me even less time to blog. During this whole time Arianne has been blogging and keeping up Reading On The Wild Side, and she has been doing a fabulous job at it. I have really enjoyed watching Reading On The Wild Side grow, and being partnered with Arianne because she is an amazing person. With all of that said, I am turning over ownership of Reading On The Wild Side to Arianne. I feel that running two blogs is too much for me at this point, and since Arianne does amazingly with Reading On The Wild Side I could think of no other person who I would trust to run it. So, what will happen with my Adult reviews? I will be posting both my Adult and Young Adult book reviews on Bengal Reads. So, no I am not quitting blogging altogether. I will just be located somewhere else. If you would still like to keep in touch with me and read my reviews you can visit Bengal Reads here:

I thank everyone for all of their support and I hope you will stop by Bengal Reads so that I can hear from everyone and keep up with them! 

Please let me know in the comments any feedback or suggestions you have. Thank you again.


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