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Monday, September 17, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish People I Want To Meet

This is my first time participating in this meme! I don't like making lists, but for this topic, I think I'll make an exception. Let's see how difficult this is for me...

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they were particularly fond of lists.

Top 10 Bookish People I Want To Meet (in no particular order):

1. Richelle Mead
She's a legend in my book. I just love the Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series.

2. Jen Ryland
She's one of my favorite bloggers. Of course I want to meet her. Hey, maybe when I'm on set of White Collar!

3. Jennifer Messerschmidt
Another one of my favorite bloggers. We live in the same state. Just a few hours difference. We must meet some day.

4. Kieran Kramer
I absolutely love Kieran! Would love to chat about love and romance with her when I meet her!

5. Jessica Scott
I just added her to my favorite authors list. She has such an amazing way of touching my heart through her books!

6. Liz Reinhardt
She's brilliant and another one of my favorite authors. We must meet so I can ask her how she wrote words that were spoken to me before! :)

7. Rachel Caine
I'm in love with the Morganville Vampires series. Rachel is pure genius.

8. Kate Evangelista
She's from the Philippines! That alone makes me want to meet her, and she writes books :) The book below also has the main character named after me!! Coincidence? No. I think it's fate :)

9. C.K. Bryant
Awesome woman. Love her books, would enjoy meeting her as well!

10. Kristine Cayne
Amazing indie author. I feel very lucky when I receive an email from her. Meeting her would be a wonderful addition to my list of life experiences.

So, what's YOUR top 10?


  1. I would love to meet you too! It would be an honor. *hugs*

  2. I know we must meet sometime! Maybe one day there will be a book event between us that we can meet up at. I'm hoping to go to BEA one of these years and then I can meet Jen R. Great list! I am dying to meet Richelle Mead. Whoever invented Adrian is a genius and fabulous! LOL

  3. Yay -- I'd love to meet you and Jen M! You guys are the best :)

  4. I ALMOST met Adrian... *sigh* if only my companion wasn't so tired at the time when she was in LA.

  5. maybe one day when i'm able to swing by the Philippines :D
