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Friday, September 14, 2012

Follow Friday (1): Book That Didn't Deserve The Hype

This is my first time participating in this meme. When I saw the topic, I knew I just had to participate.

Q: What hyped up book do you not think was worth all the talk?

A: I think the Twilight Saga wasn't worth all the talk. I only read the first book. I tried reading the second book and got bored out of my mind. The movies itself are interesting, but I don't know if the books were better. Hypocritically, I own all the four books in the saga. Maybe one day, I'll read it. Who knows, I might change my mind.



  1. I read the first 3, then was like "What in the world did I just read." Yeah, not a Twilight fan.

    My follow friday! Please visit!

  2. new follower through GFC as lucyatmax/ no pic. Please visit/follow me at .

  3. I like the movie more then the books FF# follower. Follower back :) blog hop

  4. i think i feel the same... it's the first time i like a movie better than the book.

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the Twilight books, the movies got better, but the books are still better. And actually, I have to say the 3rd book was probably my favorite. I think you should give it a try. :-)

  6. since I own the book, I probably will read it eventually... :)

  7. New follower here! This was my choice as well XD
