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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Graduation Post!


My Dad (On The Left), Me (In The Middle), and My Mom (On The Right)


My Dad, Me, My Mom, My Brother, and two Little Sisters! (The WHOLE Family)


My Brother, Me, and My Aunt Edna! My Grandmother passed away a couple of months ago and this is her twin sister… It was the best thing ever to have my Aunt Edna there because she looks just like my Grandma!


Me and My Mom! “She told me not to post this picture”… oh well!


My Older cousin Renita and I! Love her :D


My cousin Lexi and I!


Here is Christian graduating! If you guys have kept up Amber from Me, My Shelf and I and myself have been putting a fundraiser together for Christian. Well, here is the young man who you will be helping out. Christian is a very amazing person and it’s a blessing be in his life and know him.

-I am so excited to have Graduated yesterday! It’s actually bittersweet. I will miss it but I’m also glad that it’s over! I got SOME AMAZING GRADUATION PRESENTS which I will be telling you guys about later. But, for now thanks for reading this post!


  1. Wickedly DeliciousJune 7, 2012 at 6:38 PM

    Hi sweetie. Congrats on graduating!! Sorry to hear about your grandma.  Have a nice week.

  2. Congratulations!!  You have a great-looking family :)
    That's so awesome that your aunt Edna was your grandma's identical twin and wonderful that she was there for your graduation!

  3. Congratulations! Best wishes for the present and the future.
